The idea “Hubout” was born in 2013 as a result of considerations on the impact of youth policies on local development, matured during the continuous exchange between the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo and a rather large network of local stakeholders. It was born as a Creative Laboratory but soon it transformed itself. The development of Hubout relies on a debate promoted at a national level, that combines social innovation actions with local development.
The concept
The strategy
It is not important that a space survives that much over time, but it is fundamental that within a community there is the ability, the desire and the habit to renovate the public space and rebuild it to one’s own measure and considering personal needs. Exactly as we do when we change the furniture at home, because public areas “belong to us”. Working on and with a territory, promoting cohesion and a sense of community has been the goal of Hubout since the beginning. However, starting from artistic production, and from the idea of participatory public art, was the winning choice. It allowed to introduce territorial animation processes, also capitalizing the skills of social workers. The participatory process is central, but the final product is equally important and aesthetically beautiful because it is both an artisan and artistic product. The temporal dimension is important. Process and Product must be developed in a reasonably short period of time. Art frees creative resources of a territory from the constraint of the norm, of the routine, in the name of the intellectual property, of the single work that does not commit except for the time of its realization. For this reason it cannot be repeated continuously. Public art must provoke debate and discussion, promote critical sense and a sense of initiative that encourages people to meet. Listening to the needs of a territory lies at the basis of every community action. Through Hubout we wanted to interpret needs as expressions of desires. We understood and discovered that there was and there still is a desire for beauty, care, meeting, knowledge and sociability.
Social innovation for social development
Our desire to stimulate the growth of the territory and to learn by promoting innovative projects and services stems from the awareness of playing an important role in local development. In 2016 we created MakersLab: the first digital manufacturing laboratory in Lombardy opened in a public library and the second in Italy after Pistoia. A service that is still active thanks to the productive collaboration with the CSBNO. In order to spread knowledge, this latter has created other manufacturing workshops in libraries around Milan. Further information is available on the dedicated section on this website. In 2018 we inaugurated the SpazioCofò coworking space, at Villa di Breme Forno in Cinisello Balsamo. The first public coworking space in the province of Milan. Even this service is still available and it is managed by a youth association. Again, you can find more information about this on the dedicated section. But we have done even more. The SpazioCofò experience has become a good practice, central for the twinning with the city of Matera. The partnership project is funded through the “Sinergie” notice and aims at reproducing the same experience in Matera and go further, introducing a trial on the development of digital and entrepreneurial skills. The project started in March 2020 and it will have to achieve its purposes by July 2021.

Massimo Capano

Giovanni Mojoli

Giulio Fortunio

Elisa Scardoni

Sara Mazzeo

Natalia De Martin

Sara Settembrini

Angelica Sannicandro, Rosilda Iannuzziello, Mariella Stella and Greta Piliego

Antonio Candela, Stefania Clemente and Raffaele Vitulli

Giulio Traietta
HubOut project is promoted by:
Hubout MakersLab project is managed and implemented by: