Project Consortium
Make it Grow! project has brought together partners from Italy, Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro and Turkey. Below you may find a short introduction to each partner consortium and follow their local actions.

Comune di Cinisello Balsamo
The Europe and Project Department since 2015 has been organising and managing actions for young people aged between 16 and 30, focusing on developing entrepreneurial skills on the territory, with the aim of responding positively to the problem of youth unemployment. Throught a non-formal education approach, the objective is to involve young people in different fields of interest, offering spaces and moments to get together and talk about active citizenship, and reaching out to marginalised groups through local associations, such as NEETs and people with disabilities. The Department also includes the Eurodesk Agency, that is a European youth information network that makes information on learning mobility comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them. Eurodesk raises awareness on European opportunities and encourages young people to become active citizens. The activities and actions mainly concern: European funds and project management, active European citizenship, cooperation with other local and territorial bodies on European themes and funds, partnerships, international networking, twinning, fundraising / sponsorship of innovation and development projects. It has a long experience in writing projects, managing and coordinating youth exchanges and training courses.
- Elisa Scardoni, Eurodesk Agency
- 0266023222
- Comune di Cinisello Balsamo:
- Hubout:

Edremit Municipality
The city of Edremit, in Türkiye, is located on the Aegean Coast and it extends for 34 km over the coastline of the Gulf of Edremit. The city is a popular tourist destination for its natural beauties (Mount Ida National Park), historical heritage (archaeological site of Antandros), uncontaminated beaches and delicious Mediterranean typical gastronomy enriched the renowned Edremit’s olive oil, one of the most important and traditional economic sectors of the region. The Municipality of Edremit with its Foreign Relations Office is particularly engaged in the promotion and valorisation of the local community with different project aimed to establish strong and enduring network of synergies and collaboration with European Institutions, local authorities and civil society organisations in the frame of the European participatory principles and values of dialogue and cooperation, supporting opportunities of intercultural exchange and fostering young citizens’ initiative spirit.
- Elisa Falcini (Foreign Relations Office)
- Hilal Tunca (Foreign Relations Office)

Art Kontakt
Art Kontakt is an organization that implements projects in the field of Art and Culture by means of promotion, cultural exchange and various artistic initiatives, such as: contemporary art, cultural heritage and cultural industry. The organization was created in 2003. It received recognition as an Albanian NGO since 2007. Art Kontakt brings advances in the field of art management in Albania. To achieve its mission, Art Kontakt has been collaborating with various public and cultural institutions, foundations, associations and is part of local and regional networks. The organization has also worked with youth and marginalized groups and carries out trainings related to its expertise. Art Kontakt works towards fostering art and culture appreciation through activities that merge the modern with the traditional, art with culture. Its work promotes not only Albanian contemporary art, but also the cultural values and cultural heritage of the country.
- Andi Tepelena (Executive Director)
- Valmira Hoxha (Coordinator)

NVU Turisticki klaster Montenegro
The concept of cluster is adopted to the specific characteristics of tourism activity, whose product is linked to its local base and to the joint action of an agglomerate of enterprises involved in the region's tourism product. A complex group of different elements, including services carried out by tourism companies or business. The Tourism Cluster of Montenegro was established on 29. 03.2017 and now has 15 members who are horizontally and vertically involved through the tourism industry. The mission of TC Montenegro is to create a strategic partnership between the members of TC Montenegro in order to develop a recognizable within the tourist destination of Nikšić and Montenegro and to provide continuous support to its members in increasing the quality of the existing ones and developing new indigenous products and services. Since its establishment, TC Montenegro has been involved in numerous joint projects in sphere of rural development, sustainable tourism and social entrepreneurship within domestic and international partners, making a socially responsible impact and solid base for the future development of the environment.
- Jelena Kilibarda
- Anđa Vukčević Zorić
- Sanela Pajazitović

Association "Orhideja" was established on May 25, 2004. Its mission is to empower women through education and skills development, and to develop a collective awareness of working together and developing the community in which we live. The association has two employees, 20 volunteers and 100 members, who are involved in the work of the association through various activities. The areas in which they work are education, agricultural activities, and community work. As part of its regular activities, the Orchid Association works on various types of projects both for itself and for its users. Women's economic empowerment projects aim to influence the development of the local economy and improve the standards of citizens. Until now, Orhideja has done over 100 projects, some of which we will single out. The renovation project of the Stolac sports hall is one of the big projects that Orhideja worked on in cooperation with Italian organizations from Sardinia, the Norwegian Embassy in Sarajevo and the Stolac Sports Association. The sports hall, which is used by 4 schools and all sports clubs of the city of Stolac, has been completely renovated.
- Minva Hasić
- Belma Kekić